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social impact assesment of elmina business park rawang

22   /   10   /   2021

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) essentially is an individual report needed to ensure the sustainability of the the project and to integrate the project with existing surrounding area. It is demarcated as the social sciences required in developing a knowledge base to provide a systematic assessment, in advance of the impacts, on the day-to-day quality of life of persons and communities whose environment is affected by a proposed project, plan or policy change. SIA is a platform for diverse groups and people in a community to

voices out their need and concern. SIA are the ‘people impacts’ of development actions. Social impact assessments focus on the human dimension of environments, and seek to identify the impacts on people who benefits and who loses. New provision has been enforced in January 2017 to the Malaysia SIA procedure. 

I was given a task to help prepare an SIA report on a new Township in Rawang, the Elmina Business Park. I was invited to join a townhall meeting, performed a site visit and help prepare the report which is my sole task is Preparing the map for Zone of Impact that span within the radius of 5 km, extract questionnaire data taken from SPSS, and extract data of the Land Use from the MapInfo applications.

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