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draf rancangan tempatan daerah SETIU 2035


The preparation of the Local Plan (RTD) is based on the Act Town and Country Planning, 1976 (Act 172). Subsection 12 (2) of the said act, has provides that the Local Planning Authority (PBPT) shall provide an RTD for its entire area immediately in the event of a The State Structure Plan has come into force. This project probably if not the major project undertaken by my firm while having my internship here.​

In this project, I was assigned to conduct a research on the issue and potential of Setiu, this involved visiting site with my office mates, attending Technical Working Group meeting with fellows Government Department associates e.g. PlanMalaysia Terengganu, Setiu District Councils, Setiu Police Departments, District Health Office, Setiu Land and District Office etc. In this project I was taught on how to collaborate the data findings and the outcomes in order to proposed a sustainable and feasible land development for Setiu District.

Involved with the report preparation directly i.e. Concept map creation, report write up proofreading, mapinfo data extraction, and multiple sectors plan making. I learned a lot on the process and procedure in the preparation of Setiu District Local Plan while working on this task.

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