draf rancangan tempatan daerah PEKAN 2035
The preparation of the Local Plan (RTD) is based on the Act Town and Country Planning, 1976 (Act 172). Subsection 12 (2) of the said act, has provides that the Local Planning Authority (PBPT) shall provide an RTD for its entire area immediately in the event of a The State Structure Plan has come into force. This is the previous project that my firm had already completed but the are few amendments that need to be update
In this project, I was assigned to amends the Planning block plan for the Final Draft of Pekan District Local Plan. The task is quite challenging which is to update a few land use plan by its respective planning block in the existing report. The data was extracted from Mapinfo and updated into the Report. There were 11 Planning block land use plan that I need to amend in this report. For this project I was supervised by a Technical Executive in identifying and updating the related Plan